This week I am going to do better. I am going to kick myself in the butt and work it off. I did better when I blogged on a daily basses soI am going to do it daily this week.
I am a stay at home mom of four children, which I can't stand to be without no matter how crazy they make me. I am loving my husband and children more daily. My husband is Tyrel, he is an amazing worker and person. He Drives us so we all believe we can accomplish anything. I am a Foster mom which I love but can be very difficult for my family and I. I am also proseeding school to get into nursing program. I am trying to lose weight at this time also. I am starting now and I am going to keep it off. I want to be healthier for myself and my family.I need to be here long as possible for my family to help them in this difficult life.I would also like to be an example of being healthy for them (my children). And my husband I know would really love it then I can out run him,maybe.
Look forward to reading your posts! :o)